crime Social media troll arrested for spraying bug killer on fruits and vegetables at Walmart Ellsworth Toohey
crime FBI veteran charged with stalking after allegedly terrorizing law student for over a year Ellsworth Toohey
out of nowhere Stripper goes berserk, stabs DJ at Portland club in brutal attack (video) Carla Sinclair
politics Biden official anonymously defends commuting sentence of "kids-for-cash" judge Rob Beschizza
crime Las Vegas must pay $34m to woman jailed 16 years on evidence fabricated by police Rob Beschizza
bumbling bandits Busted: Jewelry thieves crash getaway car, then sink getaway boat (video) Carla Sinclair
Business Casino shocked, SHOCKED that gambling addict lost $30M after they bombarded him with texts Ellsworth Toohey
A little more to the right "It's a major theft!" Replica of "A Christmas Story" leg lamp stolen Jason Weisberger
Business Hertz's pattern of customer abuse: 230 false arrests, Tesla gas charges, and now a $10k threat over unlimited miles contract Mark Frauenfelder
politics DEA paid "tens of thousands" to airline employees for targeting innocent passengers to steal their cash — DOJ halts practice Ellsworth Toohey