taxes British Virgin Islands announces plans to finally make company ownership information public Thom Dunn
law New York AG finds a billion dollars that the Sacklers funneled through a single bank Cory Doctorow
corruption Citing the Panama Papers, Elizabeth Warren proposes sweeping anti-financial-secrecy rules Cory Doctorow
corruption The UK grew rich by looting the world; now it launders billions for other looters Cory Doctorow
scholarship Gabriel Zucman: the Piketty-trained "wealth detective" who catalogued the secret fortunes of the super-rich and figured out how to tax them Cory Doctorow
elections Europe's surging, far-right, "anti-establishment" parties: funded by billionaires, voting for billionaire-friendly policies, lining their own pockets Cory Doctorow
law Bipartisan amendment forces UK government to impose transparency on its offshore tax havens Cory Doctorow
russia Scotland is still a financial secrecy exporter, laundering billions for Russia's crime-bosses and oligarchs Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Treasure Islands: EU publishes a blacklist of 17 tax-havens and a long-list of runner-up tax avoidance jurisdictions Cory Doctorow
politics St Paul's Cathedral drops eviction effort against OccupyLondon; almighty Corporation of London plows ahead Cory Doctorow