crime London police finally admit they fed intel to UK construction cartel to build illegal blacklist of labour organisers Cory Doctorow
Business The company that turned Grenfell Tower into a deathtrap reports profits up 50% and anticipates no downside from the disaster Cory Doctorow
surveillance Motherboard files legal complaint against London police to force it to explain why an officer bought creepy, potential illegal stalkerware Cory Doctorow
corruption Elite Baltimore police unit robbed with impunity, sold guns and drugs, loaned guns and armor to civilians sent to commit robberies Cory Doctorow
trumpism Trump's Consumer Finance Protection Board chief gives up on punishing Equifax for doxing the entire United States of America Cory Doctorow
usausausa Police Get Out of Jail cards are just the tip of the iceberg: no perp gets a sweeter deal than a cop Cory Doctorow
corruption Trump waives criminal punishments for convicted banks, including Deutsche Bank, to whom he owes $130,000,000-$300,000,000 Cory Doctorow
class war Astounding coincidence: Intel's CEO liquidated all the stock he was legally permitted to sell after learning of catastrophic processor flaws Cory Doctorow
travel The DHS has illegally stuffed America's airports full of $1B worth shitty, malfing facial-recognition tech Cory Doctorow
surveillance When Las Vegas cops put on bodycams, they used 37% less force and generated 30% fewer complaints Cory Doctorow
Sex After priest/child rape scandal, Australian Archbishop says he'll ask the Pope to allow priests to have sex Cory Doctorow
corruption Even when a Chicago cop is convicted of wrongdoing, a secret appeals court usually overturns it Cory Doctorow
crime Cops chase innocent shoplifting suspect into stranger's house, then storm it with 50-person SWAT team and blow up every room except one Cory Doctorow
class war Behold! The astonishing mental gymnastics of TSA apologists explaining why rich people don't need to be screened Cory Doctorow
law Orange County Deputy Michael Higgins loses immunity for emptying his gun into motionless man, then head-stomping him Cory Doctorow
law Those "heroic rogue GOP senators" just helped Trump shield Equifax and Wells Fargo from lawsuits Cory Doctorow
Business JP Morgan-Chase paid its billions in fines for mortgage fraud by committing billions in mortgage fraud Cory Doctorow
Business Predictably, Wells Fargo loves Equifax and suggests investing heavily in the company Cory Doctorow
law Jury would not convict white militiamen who aimed guns at federal law enforcement officers Cory Doctorow
law Jury to rule on whether the CIA's torture architects will stand trial for killing and maiming Cory Doctorow