Technology Clearview AI promises to cancel accounts that aren't law enforcement or government entities Xeni Jardin
Technology Damien Patton, CEO of tech surveillance company Banjo, once helped KKK shoot up a synagogue: Report Xeni Jardin
Business Businesses and stores are adding AI to security cameras for social distancing and mask-wearing compliance Xeni Jardin
politics Facebook accuses Israel's NSO Group of exploiting U.S. servers to infect 100s of devices via WhatsApp Xeni Jardin
privacy Spying on everyone to combat COVID-19 will further erode civil liberties just like 9/11, privacy advocates warn Xeni Jardin
Technology Hackers say they breached Russian contractor, got details on IoT hacking project for Russia spy agency Xeni Jardin
Technology Clearview AI clients: Best Buy, Walmart, ICE, DOJ, FBI, 2,200+ companies and law enforcement agencies Xeni Jardin
Business Ireland suspects Russia is trying to crack transatlantic fiber-optic ocean bed cables Xeni Jardin
Technology China: Unsecured facial recognition database leaks, thousands of kids from 20 schools, half are majority Tibetan areas Xeni Jardin
Business Google 'disabling Xiaomi integrations on our devices' after Nest Hub user picked up random pics from strangers' feeds Xeni Jardin
security Why is Facebook's iOS app accessing my camera while I do unrelated things, users ask Xeni Jardin
politics NSA domestic surveillance debate returns to Congress with 'Ending Mass Collection of Americans' Phone Records Act' Xeni Jardin
Business Huawei president Ren Zhengfei: We won't spy on US even if Chinese law requires us to, what backdoors? Xeni Jardin