News Sydney airport detains software developer Nathan Hague, seize devices, crack passwords, grab his files: Reports Xeni Jardin
News Feds ask court to force Facebook to break Messenger's end-to-end voice encryption for MS-13 gang probe Xeni Jardin
Boing Boing Gadgets Amazon's useless "transparency reports" won't disclose whether they're handing data from always-on Alexa mics to governments Cory Doctorow
politics Global spy agencies meet for "Five Eyes" intel-sharing network in New Zealand, including U.S. FBI, CIA, NSA Xeni Jardin
politics 'Utterly ridiculous': GCHQ shreds Spicer's claim that UK spy agency wiretapped Trump Xeni Jardin
trump Kellyanne Conway: microwave ovens can turn into cameras but she's not Inspector Gadget David Pescovitz
security Half of all U.S. adults are in face-recognition databases, and Black people more likely to be targeted Xeni Jardin
security Baltimore police respond to report they secretly spied on city with aerial surveillance tech from Iraq War Xeni Jardin
surveillance Was NSA Hacked? Leak from 'Shadow Brokers' suggests so, Russian intelligence suspected Xeni Jardin
News Leaked FBI documents reveal secret rules for spying on journalists with National Security Letters Trevor Timm
security Microsoft sues US government for the right to tell you when the feds are reading your email Xeni Jardin
surveillance FBI may have dropped one iPhone case against Apple, but the battle is far from over Xeni Jardin
security Justice Department to drop 'FBI vs. Apple' case, because they've unlocked the iPhone Xeni Jardin