fox news Fox News has filed a trademark for "OK Boomer" — and they're not the first ones to do it Thom Dunn
Copyfight Raising legal funds to defend an online sf shared world that's been stolen by a Russian trademark troll Cory Doctorow
Copyfight CN Tower's management company claims that any picture of the landmark building is a trademark violation Cory Doctorow
books UPDATED: The US Patent and Trademark Office is ready to hand over an exclusive trademark for "Dragon Slayer" for fantasy novels Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Antivirus maker Sentinelone uses copyright claims to censor video of security research that revealed defects in its products Cory Doctorow
language Cockygate defeated: judge finds "Cocky" trademark for romance titles unenforceable Cory Doctorow
Copyfight "Cocky" romance novelist embarks on a second career as a trademark troll: will romance writing fall from grace? Cory Doctorow
patents Patent trolls celebrate as Trump's new rules breathes fresh life into parasitic grifter capitalism Cory Doctorow
Business America's most notorious patent troll, now bankrupt, values its bullshit patents at $1 Cory Doctorow
Business Donald Trump, Jr is a patent-troll and his biggest client now does business with the US government Cory Doctorow
books "The Ambivalent Internet": A scholar of trolling's new book about politics in the internet age Cory Doctorow