books Charles Stross's "Dark State": transdimensional, nuclear-tipped mutually assured destruction by way of a first-rate spy novel Cory Doctorow
books "Bridge" is a dimension-hopping thriller about grief, motherhood, and parasitic worms Thom Dunn
DC Comics Comics writer Grant Morrison is now officially a fictional character in the DC movie universe Thom Dunn
music video A wonderfully eerie stop-motion silent film about a ghost falling through the multiverse Thom Dunn
Copyfight The Vessel: a perfect symbol for the grifter capitalism of New York City's privatized Hudson Yards "neighborhood" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Empire Games: Charlie Stross starts a new phase in the Merchant Princes series, blending spycraft, Leninist thought experiments, and parallel dimensions Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Shade the Changing Girl: amazing, gorgeous new comic about aliens and mean girls Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Pinkwater's Bushman Lives: absurdist misfit story is an insightful treatise on art Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Legends of Zita the Space Girl: a worthy followup to the most excellent kids' science fiction graphic novel Cory Doctorow
books Witch Doctor: demented graphic novel about a metaphysical epidemiologist bent on stamping out incipient Cthulhuism Cory Doctorow