politics Canada's warrantless surveillance bill is back, and bigger than ever, with surveillance powers for US gov't, too Cory Doctorow
web theory It's awesome to see all these "rogue" government agency Twitter accounts, but what about hoaxes? Cory Doctorow
canada Canadian politician: My internet spying bill would help us catch serial killers like Luka Magnotta Xeni Jardin
politics Canada's telcos secretly backing revival of "dead" warrantless surveillance bill Cory Doctorow
law Anonymous video threatens Canada's domestic spying minister with embarrassing disclosures Cory Doctorow
law Canadian MP: if you oppose warrantless snooping, you "stand with child pornographers" Cory Doctorow
corporatism Canadian Tories refuse to send soldiers to help flood victims because they'd compete with the private sector Cory Doctorow