Recently on Boing Boing Gadgets


Recently on Boing Boing Gadgets, I had the pleasure of announcing the long-awaited-for launch of my friend Mike McWhertor's videogame-themed t-shirt store, Meat Bun; discovered a charming but grating pop paean to the Mac; took a gander at hand-made toys in Africa; watch a daschund go nuts over an automated tennis ball launcher; lusted a bit over a net-shooting rod; segued that lust right into a gorgeous VOIP phone; had someone point out that rechargeable stun guns imply quite a daily social hurdle; talked about a talk at SXSWi about black tech bloggers; uploaded some videos of irascible folk beardo Jonathan Coulton; applauded a drive-in car for the wheelchair-bound; a commercial for a Pontiac tha riffs on Spy Hunter; tried to get Hyena, a system for playing interactive audiobooks, working on my DS (it didn't); asked why projector bulbs are so expensive and got tons of great answers; saw a "Life Clock" in which the hour hand had been changed to a year hand; watched TI's slow but promisng sub-vocalization neck band, making it possible to speak without speaking; and found a map data quirk in which three seasons are on one Google Map.