Plushie vehicles and auto parts


Japanese firm Rocket Craft creates custom stuffed fabric models of cars, motorcycles, and even engines. From Daddy Types:

Rocket Craft's crafts are not just off-the-shelf; they're faithful re-creations of your own vehicle; which is why the license plates are mosaicked out on cars in the portfolio. That's not just a generic Renault 5 Turbo; it's a client's. A Nissan Cube. A Honda Fit. A Volvo 240GL. Rocket Craft appears well-connected among the riceburner J-car enthusiasts in their home country. There are precious few wagons–though there is a Mitsubishi Delica offroadish minivan–and thankfully few SUV's…
35-45cm in length, depending on the model. 25,000-30,000 yen, plus 4,000 for the [optional] license plate.

Link to Daddy Types post, Link to Rocket Craft