A surreal and supremely inane compendium of miscellaneous knowledge, Vol 15


The metamorphosis of Sabrina Sabrok. (NSFW) Link (Via Otomano)


I'm With Stupid. Link

Picture 5-31Comic book scan: Patsy Walker vs. Commies. Link

"Scientists are trying a plumber's approach to rid the brain of the amyloid buildup that plagues Alzheimer's patients: Simply drain the toxic protein away." Link

200708131336 This is not an iPhone. It's a non-working replica, made from metal and wood.


200708131339Proof of God. His/Her/Its name spelled out in eggplant seeds. Link

200708131358Mr. Bali Hai writes about the underrated gem of a movie, The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T. Link

Douglas Rushkoff's column about the zombie fiction genre. "Deep down, these schlocky horror flicks are asking some of the most profound questions: What is life? Why does it depend on killing and consuming other life? Does this cruel reality of survival have any intrinsic meaning?"

Picture 7-14
Video: Stoned people take a video of lots of stoned people under an umbrella running from a cop.
