Ed Note: Boingboing's current guest blogger Gareth Branwyn writes on technology, pop and fringe culture. He is currently a Contributing Editor at Maker Media. Recent projects have included co-creating The Maker's Notebook and editing The Best of MAKE and The Best of Instructables collections.
Well that, as they say, is that. It's time for me to clear out my desk, return the keys to the executive washroom, and bounce.
It's been a profound pleasure hanging out here for the last two and half weeks. It was so much fun to write about things other than technology for a change. But that seems to be my calling — to write about tech that sucks less and people doin' it for themselves — so back into the datamines I march. Speaking of which, I just finished guest editing the Lost Knowledge (aka Steampunk) theme for MAKE Volume 17. Content includes an amazing Whimshurst Influence Machine project by Jake von Slatt, how to build a tea cup Sterling engine, and how to create your own Wunderkammer (Cabinet of Wonders). I also have a piece on William Blake and his invented method of relief-etching. The issue hits newsstands March 10th.
A million thanks to Mark, David, Xeni, Cory, and Joel for this outstanding opportunity. I owe you all indecent favors.
Here are all of my posting, shamelessly reiterated, for those who may have missed some (and so I have one place to link to):
- The Musical Illusionist, Now Appearing at the Hotel St. George
- Random Acts of Poetic Bookmarking
- Moving Paintings From Inside
- "Mysteries" Magical Tour
- Shuffle Deep the Gathering Gloom
- Fractally-delicious Papercraft
- Last Gasp on My Doorstep
- Show Us Your Saints
- Music from the Hearts of 'Space
- Tripping Through Video Vaults
- Maker's Notebook Hacks
- J & B, Still on the Rox
- Seek Ye the Hilaritas!
- Attention "Paper-based Romantics"
- Linda Hesh's "Bench Project"
- My Wallet Just Got Raptured
- Seanie Blue's Night Light
- DIY 33 1/3 Books
- Oblique Tweets
- Playing my Widower Card
- Surfrider's "Catch of the Day"
- Down the Rabbit Hole with the World's Smallest Postal Service
- Mr E's Beautiful Blues
- Nightly Meditations on 33 1/3
- Gareth in no-man's land
UPDATE: People have been asking me about the robo-portrait of me in this post. It was done by Ben Rollman. Info about my "sitting" here. A video of it is here. He'll do one of you for $15.