2600 Magazine's Emmanuel Goldstein sez,
Hackers on a Plane is one of those unique
hacker events that defy all of the odds that the mainstream throws our
way. What if a bunch of hackers got together and chartered space on a
commercial airline, then journeyed throughout Europe to take part in
various hacker conferences and see the emerging hacker spaces in several
different countries? Not only is this very possible, but it's all
completely organized. It's the perfect way to experience this summer's
hacker activities on a global scale and at an affordable price.But we have a serious dilemma. Not all of the tickets have been sold, no
doubt due to the lousy economy and other such mundane issues. As those
people who refuse to let reality get in the way, the hacker community
needs to come together and keep this project from falling short, a fate
that would probably doom future such endeavors. So if you have any dream
of being a part of Hackers on a Plane, or know others who might be
interested, now is the time to step forward. We only have to sell around
ten tickets for the expenses to be covered and this needs to be done by
the 10th of this month to fulfill terms with the airline and all that
fun stuff.This is what you get. For a total cost of $1618.03, you get round trip
airfare from New York City, accomodations while you're away, admission
to both PlumberCon and HAR, and a full tour of hacker spaces in Austria,
Germany, and Holland. You leave New York the morning of August 4th and
return the afternoon of August 18th.
Hackers on a Plane: A Brief History
(Thanks, Emmanuel!)
(Image: Alli Rense)