Here's wallpaper that looks like a collage of classic Penguin covers, from Osborne and Little. Lots of retailers carry it — the John Lewis site lists it at £65 for a 10m x 52cm roll.
The PENGUIN LIBRARY wallpaper is a collage of front covers of those iconic early paperbacks from this famous publishing house and includes Ariel, the very first Penguin paperback published in 1935. The book covers were chosen for their diversity of colour and to illustrate the breadth of Penguin's publishing backlist. Great care was taken in the design to truly represent the original paperbacks in all their, sometimes well-read and a little worn, glory. The resulting PENGUIN LIBRARY wallpaper is a glorious colourful 'conversational piece' which we hope will be received with as much affection as the books themselves.
Press Release – Penguin Library wallpaper
(via Bookshelf)