Illustration: Rob Ullman
Want an all-expense paid trip to Los Angeles? Boing Boing is planning to build out a Happy Mutant Mobile and we're seeking your help! Our sponsors at Ford have agreed to customize, modify, and transform a 2014 Ford Transit Connect Wagon into what we (and you) imagine for a Boing Boing vehicle. (Original announcement here.) Of course we're planning to ask some of our favorite artists to create a changing gallery of graphics on the exterior. Check out Rob Ullman's drawing of that idea above! And the rear doors open to reveal a cabinet of curiosities from the intersection of technology, science, and art. Here's Adam "Ape Lad" Koford's interpretation of that:
We're very grateful to you, our readers, who continue to share your own suggestions with us! Remember, over the next few weeks, we'll pick some of our favorites, get them illustrated by our favorite artists, and post them to the site. The readers behind those concepts will receive Boing Boing t-shirts! And whoever comes up with our absolute favorite idea at the end of all this will be invited to join us in person at the mod shop to see the actual work in process. It'll be an all-expense paid trip to the Los Angeles area! (Flights within United States only. Travel and expenses limited to $5,000 total. Posh.) So, please keep your concepts coming! They can be a sentence, a paragraph, a drawing, etc. Please share them with us in the comments over at our BBS, on Twitter (#happymutantmobile), Facebook, or Google+. Here are the modification restrictions provided by Ford.
You can see our favorite reader contributions from this round below!
Ken Lantz called for a built-in soft serve dispenser for free cones. Mark brilliantly suggested we call them "Unicorn Horns!" Illustration by Rob Ullman:
AnthroPunk's idea was to outfit the wagon with a mobile weather lab, illustrated here by Adam "Ape Lad" Koford:
Pat Race mixed up some of his ideas and those posted by others and created this beauty:
And Brainspore was disappointed that we can't change the overall proportions of the vehicle because his idea was to… Well, just look at it:
This post is brought to you by Ford.