TED-Ed just released the first episode of a 10-part series called "Think Like a Coder." It's an animated adventure starring a teenager named Ethic who wakes up with amnesia in a prison cell and befriends a hovering robot named Hedge, who will do anything she tells it to do in the form of pseudocode instructions. In this first episode we learn about for, next, and while loops, which Ethic uses to get Hedge to pick some locks.
New animated YouTube series for kids: Think Like a Coder
- learning
New electronics video series from well-known maker Becky Stern
My old Make: colleague, Becky Stern, has a new video series that she's doing for the electronics component company Digi-Key. Becky has always done an impressive job of explaining what… READ THE REST
Free digital synth and learning guide
Learning a new instrument can be intimidating. The Learning Synths website by Ableton is an awesome, free way to learn the basics of playing a synth. The site provides us… READ THE REST
Watch this short documentary about the influential, experimental Black Mountain College
Black Mountain College: A Thumbnail Sketch is a 13-minute documentary about a legendary, experimental college founded by John Andrew Rice along with a few others in 1933. The college was… READ THE REST
AirTag, who? This tracking card might just be better than Apple's!
TL;DR: Know where your keys, wallet, and bags are with the KeySmart® SmartCard, a sleek tracking card on sale for $34.99 (reg. $39)! Are you tired of seeing the awkward lump your AirTag leaves… READ THE REST
This AI makes better songs than Metallica. Yeah, I said it.
TL;DR: Supermusic AI lifetime subscriptions are 84% off, allowing you to generate AI songs from a text prompt in seconds. Metallica fans, don't hate me! I'm a huge one myself. I saw… READ THE REST
Remember your Razor scooter? This e-scooter is the grown-up version
TL;DR: This long-range e-scooter is a great way to save on gas, now 57% off with free shipping. Sick of feeling like you're funding Big Oil's next yacht every time you fill up… READ THE REST