Why is it that people like Lee Baca, Paul Manafort, Bill Cosby, and Harvey Weinstein suddenly develop debilitating health issues when it's time to prosecute them? Variety reports that accused sex criminal Harvey Weinstein "hobbled into the downtown courthouse limping and relying, at times, on a cane or the help of an assistant. He was dressed in an ill-fitting light grey suit, his hair was thinning, and he looked pale and enfeebled." One of Weinstein's team of high-paid lawyers overflowed with sympathy for her client: " "This is tough on anybody going through this and dealing with the scrutiny not only in the courtroom, but in the court of public opinion."
Here is #HarveyWeinstein hobbling out of the courthouse with his defense. He walked in with a cane, but didn't use the crutch on the way out. pic.twitter.com/HyJNYPFtLn
— Elizabeth Wagmeister (@EWagmeister) December 6, 2019
NEW: Harvey Weinstein left a New York courtroom as prosecutors sought to raise Weinstein's bail to $5 million cash over allegations he violated his ankle monitor conditions; A judge postponed the decision until next week. https://t.co/yRoNBOrZXT pic.twitter.com/f9jLtJIEO9
— World News Tonight (@ABCWorldNews) December 6, 2019
Harvey Weinstein appears in New York court for bail hearing where prosecutors asked a judge to increase his bail to $5 million for sometimes failing to wear the required tracking device https://t.co/6RUPNVGcPH pic.twitter.com/geRfjXi5fu
— Reuters (@Reuters) December 6, 2019
Image: Twitter/ABC News