Rep. Pramila Jayapal eviscerates Bill Barr for 'real discrepancy' in responses to Trump supporters, vs. BLM protesters

WATCH: During Bill Barr's hearing on Capitol Hill today, Rep. Pramila Jayapal tore him a new one.

"When White men with swastikas storm a government building with guns, there is no need for the president to activate you, because they're getting the president's personal agenda done."


From PBS NewsHour:

Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., asked Attorney General William Barr about what she characterized as the unequal treatment of protesters against the excessive use of force by police versus "right-wing extremists threatening to lynch a governor."

"Apparently the president believes you can be activated to implement the president's agenda and dominate American people exercising First Amendment rights if they are protesting against him. But let's look at how you respond when the protesters are supporters of the president," she said.

"Are you aware that these [stay-at-home] protesters called for the [Michigan] governor to be lynched, shot and beheaded?" Jayapal asked.

Saying he did not know about the Michigan protests, Barr added that "there are a lot of protests around the United States."

Jayapal questioned Barr during a committee hearing examining whether the attorney general has inappropriately politicized the Justice Department. Democrats launched the investigation earlier this year over Barr's handling of the case against Roger Stone, a close ally of President Donald Trump, whose 40-month prison sentence was commuted by the president this month. Democrats have since expanded their probe to several subsequent episodes in which they believe Barr is working for Trump's own benefit.