The tourist who broke three toes off of a 200-year-old plaster cast model of Antonio Canova's statue of Paolina Bonaparte at the Gipsoteca Museum in Possagno, Italy has been caught, reports CNN. In the video, a man with a green shirt is observed sitting on the sculpture while posing for a photograph. When he stands he notices the broken toes and appears to fiddle with them for a minute before looking around the room.
From CNN:
Coronavirus measures mean that all museum visitors must leave their personal information for eventual contact tracing in the event that an outbreak is tied to a museum visit. This is how the man was identified.
When police contacted a woman who signed in on behalf of herself and her husband, she burst into tears and admitted her husband was the toe breaker, according to a press release from Treviso Carabinieri.
The husband, who was also upset, then confessed and repented for the "stupid move," according to the release.A court in Treviso is currently deciding whether to press charges.
Image: CNN