Over the past decade, VPN providers have become one of the primary means of online protection, shrouding a user's IP address and all their information to make them virtually invisible to cybercriminals and digital watchdogs.
But the future of VPN may soon be a private network that's so personal that it's only you.
Launched two years ago, the IzzBie Smart Private Internet system has created just that, a personal internet connection that allows you to remotely access any home or office network, all from anywhere you are.
For an idea so paradigm-shifting, it's actually incredibly easy to do. Users just connect the IzzBie router to their home or office router through an ethernet cable. Once it's connected, log in to the IzzBie app, go through a quick setup, and that network should now show up in your IzzBie interface.
But unlike some services that provide remote access to a home or business network, IzzBie has no limit on the number of networks you can connect to simultaneously. That means you can have access to any and all networks you need at any time from anywhere, all through IzzBie. Need to use an office app while you're at home? Done. Want to watch your home streaming service while you're vacationing overseas? You can.
Just like a VPN, IzzBie traffic is protected by military-grade AES 256 bit encryption. But unlike a VPN, which can restrict your connection speed, IzzBie has no such blocks, allowing you to access data from those remote networks at the same speed as that network. IzzBie doesn't use any incoming router ports and there's no third-party cloud or P2P software, which makes your data transfer faster, more reliable and completely 100 percent private.
If your home network includes a fleet of connected smart devices, IzzBie also gives you access to those devices as well.
IzzBie simplifies remote IT management and the way networks communicate at a fraction of the cost of LAN connections and other more complicated networking methods.
And when we say it's cost-effective, we mean it. For the router and three years of IzzBie app service, it's on sale now for only $79.99, a nearly 75 percent savings off the regular price.
Prices are subject to change.
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