Wanna know if your brain is as fit as it can be? CogniFit Brain Training can tell you.

Your brain really is every bit the supercomputer that you think it is. Scientists found that over the course of your life, your modest human brain will hold up to 1 quadrillion pieces of information. You also have an average of 70,000 thoughts per day. Considering that, it's really no surprise that we can all occasionally forget something here or there.

Of course, one day, that forgetfulness could be the sign of problems ahead. Or maybe you just want to boost your brainpower and figure out a way to learn, recognize and make connections faster.

CogniFit Premium Brain Training is one way to make sure your brain stays as finely tuned as a European sportscar, capable of all the mental gymnastics and cognitive fitness of the best and brightest.

Through working out in a host of scientifically validated tasks and games, the CogniFit app helps measure, train, and properly monitor your cognitive skills and look for any signs of deficiency. It's actually monitoring 23 different cognitive abilities, using real-time monitoring to track your evolution and compare your results to others in your age group. 

A quick glance at your results can show exactly how you're doing with things like focusing attention, visual scanning, response time, working memory and more.

The CogniFit training doesn't just monitor your brain, it actually customizes to it, allowing you to personalize your training to your preferences. Whether you want to improve your memory, your reasoning, be a better driver or tackle tasks particularly critical for those over 55 years old, CogniFit offers specialized programs for those users. Once you've been testing for a while, you can also track how your cognitive functions have improved as well as your brain plasticity.

More than a million users and companies from around the world trust the neuropsychological assessments and brain training program from CogniFit, and more than 5,000 reviewers gave it a healthy 4.4 out of 5 stars rating in the Apple App Store and Google Play.  

A year of CogniFit Premium Brain Training access, usually a $119 value, is available now for almost 60 percent off, just $49.99.

Prices are subject to change.

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