Launch your Amazon side hustle with this awesome training bundle

Back in the infancy of Amazon, third party sellers were just a tiny facet of the company's growing eCommerce power. In fact, those small retailers affiliated with Amazon only accounted for 3% of their sales back in 1999.

Of course, the company's growth and the emergence of more FBA (Fulfilled by Amazon) businesses brought thousands of new sellers under the Amazon umbrella – and their importance to the Amazon business model has expanded as well. By 2008, FBA operations made up 30% of Amazon product sales. And today, that number has exploded to 60%.

Of course, knowing how to leverage the power of the Amazon FBA system to grow your own thriving digital storefront isn't as easy as opening your doors and managing the virtual stampede. With the training in The 2021 Complete Amazon Dropshipping and Private Label Master Class Bundle, you can arm yourself with the knowledge to make Amazon work for you and your business.

The package features 11 courses, covering nearly 100 hours of instruction that can help a seller of almost any stripe better understand the Amazon marketplace, how to find and service the needs of buyers, and create a growing new enterprise as an Amazon partner.

The path to business glory can be treacherous, but the Amazon FBA 2021 Course is a solid introduction to help the uninitiated start off on the right foot. Once sellers are familiar with the Amazon infrastructure, processes, and tools, this training is the first step in locking in the foundations of a strong business, from finding the right manufacturers, to controlling your product flow, to ways to promote your business, attract customers, and more.

The other courses included spotlight different corners of the Amazon FBA experience, including everything from building Amazon PPC ad campaigns to product research to avoiding the simple pitfalls that can lead to an account suspension if a business isn't careful. These courses prove it's a lot easier than many merchants think to get their own private label products created and guide that label to 6, or even 7 figure sales.

The 2021 Complete Amazon Dropshipping and Private Label Master Class Bundle is regularly a nearly $2,200 package of training, but right now, it's on sale for just over $3 per course, only $34.99.