Want to learn to code? These 12 learning bundles will teach you everything you need to know

If you want to learn to code, but don't know where to begin…welcome to programming. Seriously, there are dozens of different avenues for understanding how to use everything from Java and Python to C++, Ruby on Rails, and more. 

Each programming discipline or tool also comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses that could play an impactful role on your coding…if you know what you're doing. With the 12 learning packages on sale here, you can assemble all kinds of coding knowledge at a fraction of the usual price for this level of quality learning.

The Complete 2021 Python Programming Certification Bundle – $49.99; originally $2,385

Python has scaled the heights to become one of the most popular programming languages around because it's both very beginner-friendly and plays an integral part in machine learning and artificial intelligence development. With this 12-course, 63-hour collection, users get a complete look at exactly how to use this increasingly essential skill.

The 2021 Java Bootcamp Bundle – $35.99; originally $990

Java is the very definition of tried and true, old-school computing. An almost eternal fixture on the programming scene, Java is the backbone of the web and is used in the creation of literally thousands of apps, making it one of the most used programming tools ever. This bundle features 10 courses that help explain Java's many uses, from basic commands and applications to how it integrates with other disciplines.

The Essential PHP Coding Bundle – $29.99; originally $516

PHP is another bedrock feature of web pages everywhere, serving as a primary language in the building of over 80% of all pages that exist today. These four courses get into all things PHP, exploring how it's used to create dynamic web pages, how to troubleshoot potential PHP issues in your build, and how it integrates with Python to bolster your web creations.

The Complete C# Programming Bundle: Lifetime Access – $29; originally $1,393

If you're looking to create apps for Windows-based systems, then the Microsoft-developed C# opens a lot of doors. An easy-to-learn, object-oriented, open source language, C# has also become a huge player in game creation – and the 7 courses included in this collection can put you on a fast track to creating your own C#-based apps and games.

The C++ Programming Bundle: Beginner to Expert – $14.99; originally $600

Meanwhile, C++ is an enhanced version of the C programming language, one of the forefathers of programming and the basis for C#, Java, and many languages that came after. As for C++, it's still in heavy use itself and serves as a central language into today's computer science studies. Over the course of these three courses, students can advance from C++ beginner to expert, crafting working programs to get them up to speed in this high-performance language.

The Complete R Programming Certification Bundle – $29; originally $1,200

Speaking of computer science, R is another language that plays a huge role, serving to help create apps that handle statistics, modeling, visualization, and complex analysis. The six-course package explores everything R can do, with over 35 hours of training for using R to handle all of your data analysis, machine learning, and other stat-driven tasks. 

The Complete MATLAB Programming Certification Bundle – $34.99; originally $3,000

If Python, R, and other languages fuel the reach of computer science professionals, then MATLAB is the next step in that evolution. Used primarily by engineers and researchers, MATLAB makes it easier to analyze data, build algorithms, and draw sound conclusions from far-reaching data science research. Over seven courses, this bundle unlocks how MATLAB operates with close looks at its role in power transmission, mathematical modeling, and more.

Kotlin for Android: Beginner to Advanced – $19; originally $199

First released in 2016, Kotlin may be a new kid on the programming block, but this language designed to out-Java Java, has many believers. Already an integral piece in Android app creation, this training starts at the beginning and explains how Kotlin was used to craft popular apps like Pinterest, Postmates, and more.

SwiftUI: The Complete Developer Course – $14.99; originally $199

Swift was a language created by Apple – and it shows in its individuality and streamlined performance that requires less actual active programming than other disciplines. Over more than 24 hours of content, this training helps users understand how to build cool apps using Swift, requiring five times less code than other programming approaches. 

Learn Google Go – Golang Programming for Beginners – $15; originally $119

Go was launched by Google as a way of simplifying code needed to run extremely large projects. Used in the creation of sites like Google, Uber, Twitch, Dropbox, and more, the course presents the syntax of Go, as well as how to streamline your programs using Go's ultra-efficient processes.

The Complete Ruby on Rails 6 Bootcamp Certification Bundle – $35.99; originally $1,000

The Ruby programming language and its framework, Ruby on Rails, were designed to take a lot of the arcane syntax out of coding and boil down the work with loads of specialized vocabulary. The 5-course, 42-hour bundle here starts with a bootcamp of Ruby basics before branching out into creating your own web apps and advanced uses for this versatile language.

The Premium Learn to Code 2021 Certification Bundle – $59.99; originally $4,056

But, what if I want to learn everything, you ask? No problem. This monster 27-course, 270-hour exploration of all things coding incorporates practically everything. In addition to courses on Python, Java, Swift, Ruby on Rails, and more, there are also closer examinations on topics from creating websites, to managing databases, to data science, to even how to get employed as a web developer.

Prices subject to change.