During the COVID-19 lockdowns, I've noticed more Little Free Libraries popping up outside people's homes. Boing Boing pal Howard Rheingold even made a Little Free Art Gallery! Now, Jeremiah Carter, age 10, and his dad David Carter of Saskatchewan, Canada built a Little Free Stick Library for dogs! They were inspired by a similar project they read about in New Zealand. From KCTV5:
After [the Carters] finished building the stick library, they headed to a local dog park.
"We took it and zip tied it to the fence so it wouldn't disappear, we gathered sticks that we figured dogs would enjoy, and filled it up and waited to see what happened," Carter said.
He and Jeremiah were surprised when they came back to the park one day to see that the stick library was actually used.
"When we would go to the dog park, there would be no sticks in there, or lots of sticks lying around," Carter said.
According to Carter, his son has gotten a lot of satisfaction seeing people interact with the stick library.
"It seemed to make people happy and it's given him some enjoyment and a bit of purpose," Carter said.