This affordable Computer Science training is on sale for just $40

You know you've keyed into the right career path when it's being called "the sexiest job of the 21st century." And there's a reason why data science is so, so sexy. It's because with all that data out there growing exponentially by the day, knowing how to parse and place all that information into a context for drawing legitimate, actionable conclusions can shape business destinies.

Of course, nothing that attractive can be that easy. But with the training in The 2021 Complete Computer Science Training Bundle, learners develop the background to use today's most important tools for analyzing data so they can understand its place as a foundation for the rest of the 21st century's biggest innovations yet to come.

And this is no base-level introductory seminar. This collection features nine courses with over 210 hours of in-depth training in some of the most exciting data analysis tools and techniques around.

This deep dive begins with learning the Python programming language, the streamlined dynamic language at the center of most of today's cutting-edge computer science and data analysis. Learn to Code with Python moves students from beginners to experts in using Python, while Python Data Science transports that learning to data cleaning, processing, wrangling, and manipulation for landing your first data science job.

Meanwhile, further courses get into other critical knowledge areas for data science pros, like statistical modeling in R with real-world examples and datasets, understanding the programming implications of discrete mathematics, and how applied probability and statistics factor into important development in areas like artificial intelligence and machine learning.

That even leads to courses covering deep learning frameworks like Tensorflow and Keras, two Python offshoots that can help create artificial neural networks and deep learning structures that help machines actually start thinking and reasoning for themselves.

The heady topics in The 2021 Complete Computer Science Training can help get new data professionals hired for a lot less than this bundle's original $1,800 price. With the current deal, it's over 90 percent off at just $39.99

Prices subject to change.