Okay, it's my second reptile post of the day, but this video is too astonishing to pass up. According to Newsweek, this is not a clip from a horror flick, but rather some video taken from a 7-11 in Thailand showing an enormous lizard showing off its tongue and knocking food off the shelves as it climbs toward the ceiling. Customers can be heard shouting, screaming, and even laughing in the background. An exciting trip to the convenience store was had by all.
Like a scene from a monster movie, a gargantuan lizard climbs 7-11 shelves in remarkable video
- reptiles
- store invasions
Ouch! TikToker tries to pet a snapping turtle — and guess what happens next? (video)
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Colorado man dies after his pet gila monster bites him — an extremely unusual reaction
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Freaky frog has mushroom growing from its side
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Find leads, close deals, skip the headaches—get AroundDeal for $49.99
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This all-in-one emergency pouch might just save you from nasty blisters and cuts
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Real talk: the USB tumbleweed has to stop
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