Originally filmed in the 1980s, director Paul Fierlinger and his team of animators present the process of creating Sesame Street's Teeny Little Super Guy.
This video gives a little background on the making of Teeny Little Super Guy. A number of these were filmed back in the early 1980's for Sesame Street under the direction of Paul Fierlinger. It was a lot of fun making them. Some more background information. Everything was shot outside of Philadelphia in either Paul's animation studio or his house. In 1980 Paul was a Academy Award Nominee for best animated short, Its So Nice To Have A Wolf Around The House. Larry Gold is a classical cellist and composer and created all the music. Stuart Horn was a wizz with words and lyrics. Jim Thurman did all the voices, often adlibbing. The Bolex we used had a motor drive so the exposures were about 1/6 of a second. That gave us the ability to shoot at a lower f stop and therefore had scenes with better focus. Although, the segments I show here are copies of copies and not as clear as the should be. Another thing I did not mention was something we used in almost every scene was Stick-Um candle adhesive. It is a sticky wax that is used to hold candles in their candlesticks, but can also be used to hold plastic cups at funny angles. Edith Zornow was from Children's Television Workshop and was what I guess would be considered the executive producer.
via circusitch