According to India's Bar and Bench, the Madras High Court has suggested a slew of comprehensive measures to remove prejudices against the LGBTQ+ community. Among these measures are suggestions for changes in school and university curriculum to include information on the LGBTQ+ community; outreach programs and seminars on the legal rights of LGBTQ+ people for police and prison authorities; and on top of all this, the Court has ordered that strict action be taken against those who would indulge in "curing" or otherwise "changing" someone's sexual orientation.
"I strongly feel that the change must take place at a societal level and when it is complemented by a law there will be a remarkable change in the outlook of the society by recognising same-sex relationships", [Justice Anand] Venkatesh said in his judgement, according to Live Law. He observed that legislative changes were needed to eradicate social discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community to ensure their life and dignity.
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Reforms for the eduction system include measures such as sensitizing parents on LGBTQ+ issues and amending school polices and resources to be more inclusive for gender-nonconforming students.
Those in law enforcement and the judicial system will also work to sensitize their own workplaces, familiarize themselves with the legal rights of the LGBTQ+ community, and conduct outreach programs alongside NGOs to support and amend the problems facing the LGBTQ+ community at the hands of the police.
Physical and mental health professionals bear a similar load. The idea of conversion therapy must be tossed out the window, and attempts to medically "cure" the sexual orientation or gender presentation of their patients will be prohibited.