VitalSleep is a mouthpiece that might just end your horrible snoring nightmare

The sad truth for partners of snorers is that snoring can't really be cured. Sure, there are methods to mitigate the log-sawing that keeps many wives, husbands, girlfriends, and boyfriends awake at night. But while some can be highly effective, it's very rare that any combination of treatments, products, or even medical procedures will eliminate the snoring permanently. And some of the solutions aren't pretty.

In that case, the battle to keep snoring at bay remains a never-ending struggle. One weapon in that battle that's proven effective, the VitalSleep Snoring Mouthpiece, goes right to the root of the problem: the snorer's mouth and jaw.

Snoring usually happens when the neck and throat muscles relax and the tongue falls back, partially obstructing the sleeper's airway. VitalSleep uses a customizable fit mouthpiece and an adjustable lower tray that lets wearers choose how far forward to adjust the position of their jaw. 

By moving the lower tray to widen the airway by up to a third of an inch based on snoring intensity, the shift is enough to help better regulate the flow of air and lower or even completely end the sounds of snoring. Of course, that improved airflow also better facilitates the breathing of the wearer to combat the effects of sleep apnea and other sleep breathing issues.

Made from FDA-approved, medical-grade, hypoallergenic materials, the mouthpiece molds to the user's teeth easily after a dunk in hot water. The wearer bites down, creating a 100 percent customized, secure and comfortable fit. 

VitalSleep says most wearers will see a notable improvement immediately and as for success stories, they've gathered happy reviews from more than 400,000 VitalSleep customers to its effectiveness. It even comes with a storage case as well as a fitted eye mask and earplug set offering all possible means to knock out the snoring once and for all.

For those who have suffered through the snoring for years, it's worth giving the VitalSleep Anti-Snoring Mouthpiece system a try. Right now, the $99 kit is on sale at 35 percent off for a final price of just $64.95.

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