Look, not everyone can be a writer, and there's no shame if you're one of the many who has made peace with the fact that sterling prose just isn't in your wheelhouse. However, that realization doesn't absolve you or your business of the consequences. Whether you're a wordsmith or not, someone has to craft a message in your ad copy, social media posts, product descriptions, and the rest of your forward-facing material.
If you know that person isn't you and you don't have thousands to spend out hiring a copywriter, a Writesonic Starter Plan can leverage artificial intelligence to do your brand's heavy lifting, generating copy that can increase traffic and drive sales without adding another big expense to your payroll. If AI can write essays better than college students, it can certainly help your marketing efforts too.
Writesonic features Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3) technology, created by one of the world's top AI research labs to search through the web, find high-performing content from the biggest brands, then uses those leads to craft similarly high performing copy for you and your brand. And this isn't just a computer-created mish-mash of words either. Writesonic copy is tight, impactful and actually sounds like it was written by a flesh-and-blood human being.
With a Writesonic membership, users can select the type of content they need, whether that's web page copy or a blog post, an ad tagline, or a pithy social media post. You feed Writesonic a line or two about the product and the AI takes it from there, offering up to a dozen different variants on the copy so you can choose which you like best. Each item isn't only crafted for brand voice, but also to entertain and educate, and it's even optimized for the web to show up high in search engine results.
Even if you're an experienced writer, Writesonic can serve as a creative spark, offering copy and communication ideas you may not have considered, which can then be modified your way to generate more leads, raise sales and amplify brand recognition, while also saving you oodles of time.
Right now, you can get a lifetime subscription to a Writesonic Starter Plan for just $69.99.