It feels like CBD sprang into the forefront of world consciousness in only the last few years. But once we get past the recency bias, the reality is that cannabis and cannabis-derived products — as well as CBD oil benefits — have been around for centuries.
In fact, you can look to Chinese emperor Shen Neng prescribing cannabis tea to treat various illnesses and even maladies like poor memory all the way back in 2737 B.C. Queen Victoria was allegedly prescribed cannabis oil to manage the discomfort of menstrual cramps back in the 18th century.
While marijuana wasn't effectively criminalized in the U.S. until the 1930s, restrictions on cannabis-derived products have been in place for so long that the recent push toward loosening marijuana laws makes it feel like CBD-infused items are only now coming into their own.
Despite all those years in the shadows, the life-affirming effects of CBD and its non-psychoactive properties are now seeping into public consciousness, allowing the full benefits of CBD, CBD oil, and other CBD-rich products to truly stand up and be recognized. And unlike those stories of centuries gone by, these concrete examples of CBD oil's effectiveness are anything but ancient folklore.
1. It relieves stress and anxiety.
Just by sheer numbers, CBD use for those suffering from debilitating stress and anxiety could ultimately be its greatest impact on global society. Anxiety disorders and depression affect 40 million American adults each year, the most common mental illness in the U.S. felt by almost 20 percent of its citizens.
Studies are still being conducted, but findings on both animals and humans found CBD oil use appears to affect how the brain responds to serotonin, the naturally occurring, neuro-transmitting chemical that helps regulate mood and an overall sense of well-being. The CBD effectively works like an amplifier on those serotonin-infused messages, calming anxiety-inducing communications and modulating their effects.
2. It improves sleep.
Since anxiety and depression are one of the leading causes of insomnia and sleeplessness, it stands to reason that CBD oil could also have a positive impact on those suffering from restless nights. Again, scientific study is still in its early stages, but preliminary results show a lot of encouraging signs in the long-term efforts to help everyone enjoy a better night's sleep.
In a 2019 study, two-thirds of those suffering from poor sleep reported improvements after taking CBD every day for a month. Those studies also showed CBD having a positive impact on the body's production of the stress hormone cortisol, which ramps up among insomnia sufferers through the night, causing a higher rate of nighttime wakeups.
3. It reduces muscle soreness, inflammation and pain.
Anxiety and sleep relief are huge pluses for people dealing with those issues, but for everyone else, CBD's use as an overall pain reliever could be just as wide-reaching. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved CBD for treating pain, the impact on those who already use it to soothe the burn of muscle soreness has loads of anecdotal evidence to back their claims.
Science isn't completely silent on the issue either, with one study finding CBD could help reduce muscle pain experienced by those suffering from multiple sclerosis (MS), while another found it offered relief for those with chronic neuropathic pain. But it could prove just as valuable to workout enthusiasts and weekend warriors. One study found oral CBD, taken immediately after a workout, can have an impact on muscle soreness.
Using a CBD oil like oHHo's line of full-spectrum CBD oils can help a body extinguish the fire of soreness, inflammation, and even pain within 15 minutes with effects lasting up to 6 hours.
4. It improves your skin.
Hey, we all want to look our best too — and in addition to its myriad physical and psychological benefits, CBD has also worked wonders helping clean up people's complexions.
Whether it's applied right to the skin, squirted under the tongue, or added to a cream or lotion, researchers have concluded that CBD oil can help prevent sebocytes from creating too much sebum, which is a primary cause of acne.
Meanwhile, other studies are backing up CBD's helpful impact on skincare, including reducing the potential for eczema, dermatitis, and psoriasis; as well as CBD's antioxidant abilities, which can reduce skin stress and actually combat the appearance of wrinkles and aging.
5. It can help with addiction.
While marijuana spent decades in the shadows as an illicit illegal drug, the irony is that CBD oils and other products appear able to play a role in actually combating drug addiction. While studies are not conclusive, preliminary findings seem to show that CBD use can have an impact on brain chemistry and help soothe the body's cravings for dependent drugs like heroin.
While none of those findings are fully substantiated yet, there is also evidence that CBD's role in reducing anxiety and stress can have a similar antidepressant effect on brains battling psychological drug cravings as well.
CBD comes in many forms.
While CBD oil is among the most common easy conveyance systems for regular CBD doses, it's by no means the only game in town. In addition to full lines of CBD oils, manufacturers like oHHo also make a complete line of CBD-infused products, including balms, edibles, and pre-rolls to deliver varying levels of CBD dosages in the user's preferred method. Boing Boing readers can save 20% using code BOINGBOING20 on their full line of products.