New DOOM mod sends you to the UK to battle Demon Margaret Thatcher from Hell


The world has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of revenge in the sinister voice of the late BARONESS MARGARET THATCHER

Faced with the return of one of humanity's greatest threats, you have no choice but to head to THE TENTH CIRCLE OF HELL


And investigate the underworld fortress known only as… THATCHER'S TECHBASE

Thatcher's Techbase is a free DOOM mod created by Jim Purvis and available via GitHub; in lieu of payment, they recommend you donate to organizations such as Hillsborough Justice CampaignStonewall, or the Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation. As Purvis told NME in a recent interview:

I'm from a town called Coatbridge – just outside Glasgow – that was badly affected by Thatcher's infamous policies on heavy industry and social housing in the 1980s," explains Purvis. "I was born the year Thatcher left office, but her presence was felt throughout my childhood and even into my twenties and thirties. Almost everyone I know was affected by the decisions of the Thatcher government in some way or another, and we're still seeing her ghost all over the place in our current socio-political situation. She was a satanic figure in Scottish culture well before I turned her into a cybernetic demon.

The mod started as a joke during lockdown, when Purvis saw a tweet from someone saying that if they died and went to Hell, they'd spent eternity scouring the depths for Thatcher.