With a top-of-the-line video cards fetching north of $2,000 on eBay and even mid-range models going for half that, they've become a big target for thieves. An entire truckful was heisted in California, reports EVGA, their manufacturer.
A forum post by EVGA product manager Jacob Freeman states "PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on October 29, 2021, a shipment of EVGA GeForce RTX 30-Series Graphics Cards was stolen from a truck en route from San Francisco to our Southern California distribution center." … EVGA has created the email address stopRTX30theft@evga.com in an attempt to find the culprits.
NVidia, which makes the underlying chipsets and software frameworks to make the cards go, says the current situation will last at least as long as chip supply is constrained. (And hiding behind "at least" is the crypto/NFT craze)