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Ask any schmuck off the street who looks like they've been awake for ten years, and they'll tell you the same thing: The only thing that brings anyone comfort these days is music. And, while we agree, the same tired tunes on the radio and coming through your streaming service are starting to gnaw at the only two working brain cells we collectively have left. So make your own beautiful sounds with the Complete 2022 Music Producer Bundle.
Ready to rock? We thought so, and this bundle is going to get you going. With more than 500 lessons and 80 hours of instructional content, this all-encompassing set of classes is the perfect gift for yourself or the music lover in your life who wants to take their producing skills up a notch. With lessons, tricks, and tools on synthesis, sound design, mixing, mastering, and more, you'll always learn something new to bring to the (turn)table. Then, when you feel confident enough to branch out on your own like a little musical baby bird leaving the nest, you'll have full access to Noiselab's royalty-free tracks and Future Bass sample packs.
And, just like college (but way less expensive and without all of those dumb gen-ed classes), you'll have professionals guiding you every step of the way. In addition, the instructors of the lessons are all Ableton Certified Trainers or successful producers, so you know you're getting the upper echelon of professionalism.
Not totally ready to commit to a life of sick beats? Totally understandable; those expense reports aren't going to build themselves (and your desk can't stay void of tears for too long, or people will think you're up to something). Moreover, you can study these courses at your own pace, so even if you're you're chipping away at your 9-to-5, the lessons you need to succeed in your free time of jamming will be there for when you return.
Get the Complete 2022 Music Producer Bundle right now for just $39.99.
Prices subject to change