Why is Korean rap so dope?

If previous articles haven't been an indication, I love me some pop music. Yes, I'm a music snob, but I'm also not too refined to slum in the genres that other connoisseurs fear to touch. I liken it to being like a musical version of Anthony Bourdain. As much as I enjoy dining at the fine restaurants with entrees procured from formerly extinct creatures, I like a greasy Waffle House meal just as much. 

Now that all that preamble is out of the way let me say this: K-Pop is pretty legit, dude. Bands like Twice and BLACKPINK have stolen my heart, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. However, I would've never gotten to experience them if it weren't for my love of Korean rap acting as my introduction. 

For most people, rap with unintelligible lyrics doesn't carry much appeal. To those people, I have to ask, did you really understand everything Wu-Tang was talking about with their unique slang? Did you even understand most of it? Flow and delivery are the beating heart of rap music in the states, so why should it be any different for international rap? 

My first exposure to the subgenre came via Keith Ape's It G Ma- which still lives rent-free in my head.

A few months later, I became enamored with the Eung Freestyle and immersed myself in K-Rap galore. The video linked above comes from my favorite artist in the subgenre: BewhY. If you're curious about what Korean rap offers, BewhY might be your best point of entry.