I don't want to spoil the reveal in this brilliant how-to video, but I know what I'm having for dinner tonight!
Brilliant tip requires only a toilet, bag of screws and a box of elastic bands
- howtos
- tips
- toilets
Don't buy an inkjet printer from you-know-who. Get a cheap, basic Brother laser printer that won't betray you.
On this fine Cyber Monday, I see websites have recommendations for printers to buy. Many recommend a specific echelon of model from HP. I'm just here to tell you: no!… READ THE REST
How to beat Trump's infamous debating tactic: gish galloping
Trump uses an infamous debating tactic called Gish galloping. It's brilliantly simple. He just blasts a sewer pipe of lies, insults, and accusations, giving his debating partner no chance to… READ THE REST
Should you point utensils up or down in the dishwasher?
The two most hotly contested household debates are over which way to hang a roll of toilet paper and which way to point utensils in the dishwasher. I don't care… READ THE REST
Learn 14 languages at home with Babbel
TL;DR: Get lifetime access to Babbel's language learning app, featuring 10,000+ hours of content, 14 languages, and bite-sized lessons, for just $149.99 (originally $599)—only through January 25. Traveling the world is more… READ THE REST
Kids can build their own Smartwatch
TL;DR: Kids can build their own Smartwatch and virtual pet with the CircuitMess DIY Wearable Bundle, now $199 (reg. $214). Kids are surrounded by technology, but that doesn't necessarily mean they understand… READ THE REST
Goodbye TikTok, hello brainscrolling
TL;DR: Stop wasting time scrolling and start learning—Pearls Premium gives you lifetime access to bite-sized, 15-minute summaries of bestsellers for just $29.99. TikTok might get banned, and while it may feel… READ THE REST