raspberry pi Raspberry Pi revolutionized arcade game emulation, here's how to get started Rob Beschizza
climate change How carbon credits helped a Native American tribe buy back its land and revitalize it Thom Dunn
podcasts How regenerative crops and Afro-Indigenous farming techniques are putting carbon back in the ground Thom Dunn
baking Beware Noel Fielding's dizzying shirt on this week's episode of The Great British Bake Off John Struan
books HOW TO: XKCD's Randall Munroe finds the humor in taking silly questions very, very seriously Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Announcing: the tour for "How To: Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems," Randall "XKCD" Munroe's next book Cory Doctorow
mobile Android malware uses accelerometer readings to figure out if it was running on a real phone or in emulation Cory Doctorow
politics Official: Explosive devices sent to Trump critics are consistent with online bomb-making designs Xeni Jardin