After complaints that Finnish PM looked like she was having too much fun at a party, she said she'll take a drug test

In a leaked video, Finland's Prime Minister, Sanna Marin was seen laughing, dancing, and having fun with her friends at a party. Naturally, people who are "obsessed by the haunting fear that someone, somewhere may be happy" immediately complained, saying she must be on drugs to be so happy, and she shouldn't be allowed to have fun when there are problems to be dealt with in Finland.

From MSN:

Ms Marin has responded that she has "nothing to hide" and added: "I haven't used any drugs, so it's not a problem to take a drug test, but I also think it's quite special that something like this is required."

On the question of drug use, she said: "I didn't see any evidence that anything was used anywhere", and suggested her friends were actually shouting about something else rather than the alleged phrase "flour gang" – which is said to be slang for cocaine use.