When you've got money, you make a deposit at the bank. When you have a stack of important files, you stick them in a file cabinet. But what about your tiniest valuables — you can't just store them in your pocket or your bathroom drawer, as they'll easily get lost or overlooked. And considering the fact that the average American spends a whole 2.5 days a year looking for lost items, you've learned this the hard way.
Great things don't always come in small packages, which is why this Min-E Vault storage container is designed to keep your tiniest of valuables secure and easy to find. Small enough to hold in the palm of your hand yet safe enough to keep whatever's in it incredibly safe, this little container is a must-have for those looking for a spot to store their pills, jewelry, weed, hobby tools, and whatever else.
So, what's the difference between the Min-E Vault and a regular old container? While the two essentially achieve the same thing, the former is an elevated storage system designed to prevent loss or damage at all costs, thanks to its aircraft-grade aluminum exterior with a durable anodized finish. Even its cap is of a higher caliber, kept in place with the help of super-strong neodymium magnets.
And to add a little pizazz to your special container, you can choose a model in your favorite color — it's available in black, sky blue, silver, red, and rose gold. It even comes packaged in a foam-lined case to ensure it stays in perfect condition upon arrival. So whether you choose the container to house your life-saving medicine, guitar picks, extra keys, or even a place to temporarily store your wedding ring, you never have to worry about losing a thing.
Tired of misplacing the little things with the biggest sentimental value? Keep your valuables safe and easy to find with the Min-E-Vault Storage Container for just $29.95.
Prices subject to change.