Celebrating the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation with mixed-media meme art

Andrew Wodzianski is a DC-area artist whose work often riffs off of nerdy pop cultural touchstones and ephemera. His pieces make references to comic books, 8-bit video games, monster movies, and tabletop gaming.

To celebrate the 35th anniversary of Star Trek: The Next Generation, September 28, 1987, he created pieces of meme-styled art that draw inspiration from the Star Trek coloring books and ship blueprints of his youth.

He writes:

I'm celebrating on social with my own snarky homage. I spent the winter and spring deconstructing childhood relics into several mixed media monstrosities. My Enterprise blueprints from '96 became the support for coloring book & meme inspirations. I'm leaned heavily into nostalgia porn and destroying print material relics from my childhood.

See more at Andrew's website.

All images, Andrew Wodzianski, used with permission of the artist