Republican officials in Arizona's Cochise County refused to certify midterm election results after the candidates of their choice did not win. So, after the rural county missed Monday's state deadline to approve the final vote tally, governor-elect Katie Hobbs, who is currently Arizona's secretary of state, sued the GOP-controlled community.
From The Guardian:
In a lawsuit on Monday, the secretary of state, Katie Hobbs, a Democrat who narrowly won the race for governor, asked a judge to order county officials to canvass the election, which she said was an obligation under Arizona law. Lawyers representing a Cochise county voter and a group of retirees filed a similar lawsuit on Monday, the deadline for counties to approve the official tally of votes, known as the canvass.
The two Republican county supervisors delayed the canvass vote until hearing once more about concerns over the certification of ballot tabulators, though election officials have repeatedly said the equipment is properly approved.
The state elections director, Kori Lorick, wrote in a letter last week that Hobbs was required by law to approve the statewide canvass by next week and would have to exclude Cochise county's votes if they weren't received in time.
That would threaten to flip the victor in at least two close races, a US House seat and state schools chief, from a Republican to a Democrat.
And according to ABC News, Arizona officials aren't the only victims of Trumpist delusions. Republicans in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania — sore that candidates Blake Masters and Mehmet Oz lost the statewide election — also voted against certifying election results, citing, as one official put it, "irregularities," discrepancies," and "disenfranchisement of disenfranchised voters." In other words, the vote didn't go their way, so it wasn't fair.