"Palworld" promises to be Pokémon for adults

Do you remember the last time you played Pokémon? Maybe you were a kid, or maybe you've continued pushing through the franchise's buggy new releases. Either way, if you've ever written a letter to Game Freak and asked them why you can't use your Pokémon as unskilled laborers, steal them from fellow Trainers, or eat them for sustenance, here's the cure to your woes. Upcoming game Palworld from Japanese development studio Pocket Pair has you covered. It promises players all of the above and more. Its Steam Page is replete with delightfully wicked features. You can poach endangered Pals (its lawyer-friendly version of Pokémon) from protected habitats, put them to work in factories and farms, and if all else fails, just shoot them.

With a gun.

It does seem to have functional multiplayer, though, which sets it firmly above Pokémon in my book.

Palworld is set to release on Steam in 2023. No price has been announced.