Pigeon busted flying into prison with a backpack of meth

Since drones became readily available, they've been used to deliver drugs and other contraband inside prison walls. But now, smugglers are apparently turning back to old-school methods. Last week, officers at the Pacific Institution prison in Abbotsford, British Columbia busted a pigeon that landed in the yard with a package on its back.

"From my understanding, it was tied to it in a similar fashion as like a little backpack," [said John Randle, Pacific regional president of the Union for Canadian Correctional Officers.

The package contained 30 grams of meth.

From CBC:

"We've been focusing so much on drone interdiction … now we have to look at I guess pigeons again," said Randle, who hasn't heard of another live pigeon incident in B.C. in his 13 years of experience[…]

One expert [from the Vancouver Poultry & Fancy Pigeon Association] said there are two plausible ways to use a pigeon to deliver drugs. One, someone could throw the freighted pigeon over the fence into the prison.

Second, an inmate could spend months training the bird from the inside to recognize the prison as its home. Someone would get the bird to the outside, fasten its cargo and release it to return "home" to the prison.

(via Fark)