Next time an airline offers you a travel voucher after kicking you off an overbooked flight, think twice before accepting it. Especially if they book you on another flight with a 2-hour (or more) "arrival delay" – this would entitle you to cash worth 400% of the amount of your ticket (up to $1,500), explains former flight attendant Sandra Jeenie Kwon, aka Jeenie Weenie on TikTok (see video below). (And if you read the fine print in the background of her video, it says a 1–2 hour arrival delay will earn you 200% of your ticket price.)
"Not only are the airlines required to find you an alternative flight, but depending on the length of the delay, you are entitled to cash!" she says. So make sure to ask for your compensation if the airline doesn't offer first – it's not just a nice gesture, according to Kwon, it's the law.
Via Yahoo!