By threatening to imprison schoolteachers for displaying "disallowed books" in their classrooms, Florida dealt a reeling blow against Texas in the rival states' battle to become the capital of the coming Republic of Gilead
Commander DeSantis, whose selfless devotion toward making Florida a model christofacsist state, ordered the Florida Department of Education to "retrain" school media specialists, who will audit school libraries and remove books that veer from the glorious truth, replacing them with "state-approved" books that present history from a white nationalist perspective. In the meantime, teachers have been warned to cover their classroom books with paper or remove them from their shelves or face fines and felony charges.
From The Washington Post:
In Duval County, the district published a brief blog post on Jan. 23 announcing that, after "recent training and direction from the state, Duval County Public schools will now conduct a formal review of classroom libraries."
Two days later, the district shared with staffers a private, unlisted YouTube video titled "Classroom Libraries." In the seven-minute video, obtained by The Post, Chief Academic Officer Paula Renfro announced that "classroom libraries will be temporarily reduced to only include … books that have been approved by certified media specialists and books on the state-approved" list.
"In the meantime, books not on the district-approved list or not approved by a certified media specialist need to be covered or stored and paused for student use," Renfro said. "As a reminder, though, this is temporary."