Author, provocateur, and all-around wonderful human Chuck Tingle is back with another sizzling erotic tingler — this time, skewering the recent racist tirades of Dilbert creator Scott Adams. Here's the setup for his newest short story, titled Comic Strip Writer Scomp Adams Haunted In The Ass By The Things He Can't Say Now That Free Thought Is Illegal Then Realizing It Is Legal He's Just Not Smart Or Funny And Is A Bigot That Nobody Likes:
When Scomp Adams, creator of the comic strip Dilbot, finds himself slipping into irrelevancy, he fights back with a series of offensive, bigoted comments. Of course, he's not trying to be offensive, he's just a free thinker who is very, very smart and cool.
But when Scomp goes too far and Dilbot is removed from all newspapers, he sets out on a soul-searching journey to discover if he's really as smart as he thinks he is. This brings the writer to an office break room and an encounter with the physical manifestation of all the things he can't say now that free thought is illegal.
But is free thought really illegal, or is Scomp just a bigoted jerk that nobody likes?
This erotic tale is 4,100 words of sizzling human on gay living concept action, including anal, blowjobs, rough sex, and physically manifested belief that everything is someone else's fault love.
Oh, Chuck. You're too good for this world.
Comic Strip Writer Scomp Adams Haunted In The Ass By The Things He Can't Say Now That Free Thought Is Illegal Then Realizing It Is Legal He's Just Not Smart Or Funny And Is A Bigot That Nobody Likes is available now on Amazon or on Chuck's Patreon page.
Lest anyone here brushes off the artistic output of this brilliant postmodernist as some sort of silly erotic fluff, I should mention here that Mr. Tingle has a new full-length horror novel coming out this summer from the acclaimed publishing company Tor Nightfire, titled Camp Damascus, which is one the books I'm most looking forward to this year. It looks like a pretty new and exciting take from the world's greatest author. You can read the first chapter for free online, and see for yourself.