After a bump up in sales to families at home during COVID times, toys and games are now flat or even slightly own. The February issue of the toy industry's trade rag The Toy Book shows the latest trends as toy makers look ahead with their new products.
One continuing trend is "kids growing older younger." Where toy makers of the past could market their toys to boys and girls as old at 12, today's kids get their own smart phones at 8 or 9 and much too sophisticated for "baby" toys.
To create new markets, toy companies are expanding their offerings to "kidults" and other fans of pop culture.
Preschool toy brand Fisher-Price is announcing a new Little People collector set: "Seinfeld," featuring little Jerry holding a microphone, Cosmo with a chicken leg, and George with an éclair.
1960's Marx monster toy "The Great Garloo" makes a nostalgic comeback in a retro resculpt.
Also from toy maker Nacelle is the "Legends of Laughter" line of figures of dead comedians Bill Hicks, Joan Rivers, and Lenny Bruce, I guess because they "killed."