Nick Cave isn't keen on transgressive poet Charles Bukowski, as evidenced by a recent exchange on the former's Website, The Red Hand Files. A fan had submitted the following comment:
"In my opinion you are one of the bonzerist geezers around, like Bukowski with a geetar. Thank you Mr. Cave."
To which Cave kindly responded:
I'm sorry, Simon, I don't like being compared to Charles Bukowski. I appreciate you were trying to be kind and make me feel good and everything but I don't like the man. This a well known fact. Now, if you had called me, say, the 'Philip Larkin of the Joanna' or the 'Stevie Smith of the Ivories' or the 'All Singing, All Dancing John Berryman' or 'Langston Hughes of the Banger', I'd be lot happier. But, I don't know, Simon, I just don't like Charles Bukowski. In my opinion, Charles Bukowski is the 'Bukkake of Bad Poetry', just blowing his junk around. I don't like him. I just don't. Not even a bit. No, not at all.
Love, Nick.
(Consequence of Sound, thanks Gil Kaufman!)