Street Fighter is in the middle of a massive boom in popularity. The collapse of the arcade scene at the dawn of the 21st century caused a plethora of video game genres to fall from grace. One of the genres that suffered the steepest decline from the death of arcades was the fighting game genre. Consequently, only Street Fighter and a handful of other franchises were able to survive in the post-arcade landscape due to the strength of their brand.
Flashforward to the present, and Capcom is readying the release of the hotly anticipated Street Fighter 6 in June of this year. Since we've finally reached a point in technology where online play can rival the experience of local play, fighting games are starting to make a resurgence in popularity, and Street Fighter 6 is leading the charge. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Street Fighter's buzz is going to spread to the world of film and television as Legendary Studios has acquired the rights to produce content based on the iconic fighting game.
From Hollywood Reporter:
Legendary is ready to unleash a sonic boom, with the studio acquiring the film and TV rights to the classic beat-'em-up game Street Fighter. The studio will work with video game company Capcom on future projects.
Street Fighter is one of the more enduring fighting video game franchises of all time. It began life with the 1987 arcade game Street Fighter, and hit a high-water mark with Street Fighter II, the 1991 game that spawned countless special editions and remakes. In all, the franchise has sold 49 million units worldwide, with a new installment, Street Fighter 6, due out June 2.