I love everything about this, from the nails, to the daughter's excitement, to Twitter's enthusiastic support, to the matchmaking attempts, to the amplification of a small independently-owned business. Twitter user Hannah posted this photo of her mom's manicure on March 29, with the caption "EVERYONE SHUT UP MY MOM GOT THE TEN PLAGUES ON HER NAILS FOR PASSOVER". The post blew up—receiving over 500k views on an account with fewer than 400 followers—and folks were chiming in with lots of positive feedback. On April 5, Hannah tweeted (with permission) that her mom was single, in case anyone was interested. She also tweeted about her mom's nail tech, Chey, encouraging folks to "Blow up her IG!!" Someone asked if her mom knew she was famous and Hannah replied "She does!! She's still in disbelief."
I gotta say, Hannah's mom's nail tech's interpretations of the plagues steer very far away from "ominous," and land directly on "adorable," which gives me more than a little cognitive dissonance, but hey, it's art, right? For a refresher on the ten plagues (Blood, Frogs, Lice, Flies, Pestilence, Boils, Hail, Locusts, Darkness, Killing of the Firstborn), along with a discussion of both traditional and contemporary interpretations of them, check out this great article by Rabbi Jill Jacobs.